

Tye Leung Schulze became the first Chinese-American woman to vote in the presidential primary.

Tye Leung was born in San Francisco in 1887. When she was 14, her parents arranged for her to marry an older man. She ran away and sought refuge with Donaldina Cameron. She became the first Chinese-American woman to pass the civil service examination. Not only was she the first Chinese woman hired to work at Angel Island, but she also became the first Chinese-American woman to vote in a presidential primary election when she cast a ballot in San Francisco on May 19, 1912.

梁亞娣(Tye Leung Schulze)在1887年生於舊金山。她14歲時,父母就安排她嫁給一個年長的男士。梁亞娣勇敢的離家去找金美倫傳教士學英文、研究基督教,後來成為第一位通過美國政府文官考試的華人女性。1912年的美國總統初選,梁亞娣是第一位有資格投票選舉的華人女性,而全美國女性到 8 年後才有投票權。舊金山紀事報說:梁亞娣投票選總統,是女性完全解放的現代運動。梁亞娣因為嫁給白人,不得不辭去合法的政府工作,但她繼續為舊金山華人提供翻譯及社會服務,深受華人尊重。她於85歲時辭世。梁亞娣一直勇敢的反抗任何加諸於她身上的限制,創造屬於自己的榮譽、尊嚴。她從未參加任何全國性的組織,也沒有任何法案以她命名。她的傳奇來自於她一生全心全意的投入反抗人類的偏見與固執。

Photo Credits: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service






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